Wednesday, August 10, 2011


currently sitting at 247 pounds, had to get a physical done yesterday and the official weight at 2 in the afternoon was 247, so had I not been up drinking water all day, eating food etc I am sure it would have been lower, granted I made a promise not to be a slave to the number on the scale but damn that felt good to see, normally on those scales I just instinctively slide the bar over to the 250 mark to start, and to my surprise it sank and sank fast... :)
so celebrating today with a healthy breakfast of eggs scrambled with diced Canadian Bacon :) for a little frying grease I tossed in some coconut oil... delicious.  Further proof that diet and mild to medium levels of exercise are all that are required to lose the unwanted weight, no pills, no gimmick devices, just healthy food and walking for the most part (the pushups, crunches etc are my own vanity firming up the resulting flab) I do know this however, Nothing Tastes as good as being healthy feels :) have a good day all

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