Monday, July 4, 2011


Today as everyday for the past while I am choosing to live, and to help others do the same.
The Reality that I can not save anyone, is a hard truth at times, a person must choose to better their own lot in life. Knowing this I choose life over the miserable existence I placed upon myself. the Fourth of July is a tough time for me to be around all the celebrations. Not for any reason other than the explosions make me hyper-vigilant and that feeling is not that much fun. My walk this morning was great, a vigorous celebration of life instead of walking around town today we went out to the nature refuge and walked there... next time I am bringing bug spray lol
There are so many resources and so much motivational media out there its a wonder anyone finds trouble getting more out of life. it all boils down to choices.
I can't begin to say what works for me will help anyone else, I can't say if I can do it so can you. But I can say this, if you cannot run and jump, if you cannot lift heavy weights if you cannot do a whole lot of things, I promise you this, there is something, you can do, as long as their is breath in your lungs and blood in your veins there is life coursing through you and you can do SOMETHING. ANYTHING. last night I was watching a documentary called "Fat, Sick and Dying" very emotional to me, seeing someone come from seemingly impossible position in life to overcome and to shed that much weight is an amazing testament to human resilience, but it boils down to he chose to improve the quality of his life. pretty sure the route in which they chose to improve their health is a route I would go but if it works for them GREAT, again do something anything.
I pray everyone has a wonderful Fourth of July.
Please remember the men and women that make it possible, they chose to stand up for and defend this great nation and should be celebrated, they don't stand up to face whats ahead of them because it scares them they face what scares them because they love whats behind them.
Happy Independence day everyone. be careful

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