Wednesday, July 6, 2011


So with all my positive changes in my life, I have more energy than I have had in a long time, what we eat really does dictate how we feel, and we thought those were just marketing techniques. my Girlfriend and I are gonna start adding juicing to our morning routine, add some much needed micro nutrients to our healthy living decisions, hopefully get past the first thing in the morning fog, granted it doesn't last nearly as long as it used to but its still there, first cup of coffee kind of thing.
My strength training thus far consists of crunches, squats, lunges, and whatever push ups I can do, everyday it seems I am capable of adding plus 1 to everything I am doing,  walking tends to get longer and longer, to the point where I have lost count how many laps we are doing, but its safe to say we are at least doing 2 miles twice a day. so 50-100 crunches, 5-10 push ups x2, 2 miles of walking and 10-15 squats.  Very simple exercises, nothing too strenuous, just doing something, and I am feeling great, making gains towards my goals and improving my abilities to do more everyday. Remember No fad diets, no fad exercises, no devices can do it for you.  Take control of your life and make the changes you want, like I mentioned before, Diet/health, and finances are no longer my goals, as goals are defined, weight loss and fitness levels are a direct result of a healthy lifestyle;  financial health, well that is just responsible living, we have to pay our bills, we have to earn a living, we have to make sure we are not a burden on society, so if paying my bills and being healthy are goals, is it safe to say, taking my next breath is a goal? or is it just something that needs to be done.
The more I learn about everything the more I realize, what started out as simply losing weight has become something so much more, transforming my own life is giving me insight into how to fix any problem I may come across, my mind is working better and clearer than it has in years, I have energy and look forward to tomorrow and when I can do more. People make excuses everyday, as to why they CAN'T well something as serious as being an Alcoholic is still an excuse, the REASON ends with that's why a person cannot stop at one drink. from there its excuses, the sober conscience decision to put the bottle/burger/soda/whatever to your lips is your CHOICE, it isn't something that is controlled by any kind of disorder, its slow suicide to be honest, so if losing weight and being healthy is a choice so is overcoming such disorders such as alcoholism drug abuse.  Humans require something to look forward to in life, a constant reminder that LIFE IS WONDERFUL, and the realization that you do not have to experience life the way the world tells you to.
I am off to the airport, time to go pick up the light of my life, and start our epic fun summer holiday.
Keep your head held high, your eye on the ball, and keep working towards your goal... Do something, Anything, eventually you will accomplish your goal.

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