Friday, July 15, 2011

Such a wonderful day

Normally I dislike birthdays, they seem to me to be an annual reminder that I am getting older and accomplishing less, however, this year so far as it is, is phenomenal.  The problem with stressing about things versus putting that foot out to start you moving in the right direction is this, the stress just compounds the problem and does nothing towards solving it for you.  Stepping on that scale scared me, it brought to the front and center of my mind just how lazy and destitute I have allowed myself to get.  It reminded me of the pain in my chest and probably the reason for it, it also smacked me in the face simply because I know better than that....
Here I am a few months into my goals of being healthy and I feel great, sure I could allow the pain in my knees or my back hurting hold me back but why? just what will that accomplish? I have already proven to myself that I can make excuses to not be a better me, and that goes no where but back to where I do not want to be, miserable, unhealthy and most likely just waiting to die.
So all the hard work behind me, I have settled on juicing and the paleo lifestyle for my new diet, of course there are those times I cheat, but when I do, the whole time I am thinking about it :)
for exercise, I have added playing at the playground with my daughter(while she is here visiting), swimming and still walking, occasionally I will make a small attempt at running, more just being silly at the playground but its still activity. I am still doing crunches and pushups, not like I am competing in an event or getting tested in the Army but I do them, gotta have the muscle to assist in the weight loss...
as far as my finances go, still working at it, of course every month I get a new stack of what needs to be paid, and I am still attempting to snow ball that debt to get rid of it, thankfully I do not have a lot of it, just don't have my 20's income to combat it more efficiently, but our bills are paid and we have money to play with... its a slow process but totally worth the effort.
Plans for travel or serious vacations are still on the back burner, but the dreams are there and the steps mentioned above are part of taking the steps to get there.
All in all, my journey thus far is a success, I am happier, my significant other is happier, and we see the light ahead. I have come to enjoy getting out and walking and doing things, Heck I haven't even logged into W.o.W for a month or so, why sit here rotting when I can be improving the world and making myself the best I can be, uses the analogy of leveling up your life and I love how it fits into my gamer mind. I spend a lot of time reading  Steve's site for information, ideas, discussions, and MOTIVATION.
At different times I have found that getting motivated when its 100 degrees outside is difficult, its easier to skip it or put it off to later... which usually ends up being a skip as well, but there is again No pill that will work magic to lose my weight, there is No Device that will magically make me healthier, and there is No one that can or will do the work for me.  Healthy diet choices, exercise and activity, and honest effort are all that will get you where you want to be, and being on the verge of seeing my long lost ab muscles I am totally seeing the benefits of doing something each and everyday in a positive direction towards a healthier me. and if I can help someone along the way, GREAT!!! lets do this people, proper diets aren't hard to do. if you want to be healthy, light exercise everyday isn't all that time consuming, to use a quote from an old friend "It's all in how you plan your day!" took me some time to figure that one out... seems simple enough till you find yourself running ragged for nothing and someone else doing the same thing has all the time in the world to do what they want to do.

recap, of what I changed to, and whats been working for me:
I had first adopted the South Beach Diet, worked great, learned more and have determined that the Paleo lifestyle is more inline with my goals.
I started out only walking, since I started I have added swimming, playing at the playground, crunches, pushups and very (VERY) light running.
and paying bills on time and more if I can, without causing myself unneeded financial hardship... meaning I can buy a cup of coffee whenever I want and still be current or ahead of all my bills.
maintain a positive attitude and try to help others where ever and when ever you can :) have a happy day everyone, I am gonna go cheat on my diet and celebrate my birthday.

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