Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Crunch time

So here I am, my visit with my daughter coming to an end. school assignments have been getting neglected slightly more than usual, and my health goals although having the extra activity added, children seem to love that nasty little clown that has helped create this obese society we live in today. So having suffered through some disgustingly unhealthy sinful food that is sooo much fun to eat I am feeling the effects of crappy food in my system. that alone is motivation for me to stop eating it, had to purge my system with gallons of water and freshly juiced veggies just to get back to "Normal"... ugh, feel like I have set myself back a few weeks but hey, Life is about living not just being slave to some whacked out ideology.

So increasing activity has worked great with the exception that the swimming pool locally is outdoors... New Mexico summer sun is not nice to your shoulders when you spend hours teaching a little one how to swim, totally worth it tho.  but the more reading I am doing, I am debating adding some weight lifting into my rotation simply because once you  lose the weight you gotta fix the shape lol
Pushups, situps/crunches and squats are great when you are first getting off the couch. time to move it up a little to keep pushing towards ideal goals.
I am still trying to avoid the weight room, so my weightlifting will be body weight exercises, more of the same pushups situps lunges etc, and whatever low impact variations I can find.  Keep working at it, eventually people will ask you how you did it, and how you made it look so easy. Results will show themselves the more active you stay, and if you find yourself on a plateau step it up a little more increase your intensity or your activities.... keep it up, keep smiling and enjoy life.

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