Wednesday, July 20, 2011

 Water Fitness
Even if you do not know how to swim, a pool can help you get an effective calorie-burning workout. Deep water walking burns more calories than walking on solid ground because of the resistance of the water. Water fitness classes also provide an opportunity to exercise in a group setting, without the impact of traditional aerobics. Group exercise promotes adherence, camaraderie and calorie burn.

Just some information I have been looking up, figured I might as well share. With all the efforts especially when starting out to lose some weight and get more active its hard to determine what the best methods to accomplish your goal is. I have been enjoying doing some swimming again, and feel great for doing it, 500 calories and hour is a great deficit to create, more so if your are consuming less than that before your swim, with care and caution you can negate the effects of a meal on your waist line, and if you have the availability and time to get in the water every day the lean muscle you will develop by swimming will definitely make achieving your image that much easier.
once you start looking for things to do that will be both enjoyable and beneficial to your health more and more activities begin becoming apparent.  again it doesn't matter what you do, just do something, life is yours to live, take control of it, and enjoy the benefits of getting out of the house more often.

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