Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I am finding it hard to stay motivated today, apparently I have successfully over done it and my back is screaming at me to stop... kinda knew the prominent injuries I have would make themselves known eventually. just didn't fully expect to be crippled this badly by it, can barely move at this point, so getting some much needed R&R and hopefully give swimming a try tomorrow. 
I hope anyone reading this does not cross that thresh hold themselves and that the journey they are on is successful.  there are other things I can do towards improving my life still and thats what I will concentrate on while I am recovering.. not exactly certain what I am recovering from, lower back pain. is what I do know, if I had to guess. Sciatica.
ah well good time to get to work on my school work. instead of putting off till the last minute :O and hopefully get back to exercising tomorrow.
Have a happy wonderful day full of adventure.

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