Granted the word "Diet" has been misinterpreted and has been attached to a negative connotation for some time people associate it with bland flavorless food that makes them want to jump ship and eat Twinkies, I have found that shifting my food choices to that of the Paleo lifestyle rather than a diet has given a huge return.
The paleo diet is our hunter/gatherer diet, us as humans have spent thousands if not millions of years adapting to this way of eating and a mere 10 thousand years adapting to the agricultural ways we currently live in. Lean meats 2-3 times a week, fresh seasonal fruits and veggies nuts and tubers make up the most of this diet, the great thing is you can eat essentially as much as you need to in order to feel satisfied, for the snacks I use nuts to tie me over.
But I did not start there, I first went with the South beach diet, and that helped a great deal in the first phase you cut out all carbs and processed foods this went a long way to helping with the sugar cravings and headaches associated with it
This diet allowed me to first cut the sugar cravings I had from 5-6 cans of monster a day, all the breads and chips I had been eating etc, I found phase one to be the most difficult phase but well worth two weeks of suffering to make the transition to paleo that much easier. besides we have spent our whole lives making our bodies what they are, it is not going to be easy to get back to what you have in mind.
Making the choice to eat better foods it sure helped having the South Beach Diet book handy to let me know what I could eat etc, for example you wouldn't really expect a carrot to thwart your weight loss attempts but in the first phase you cut out ALL sugars including the healthier natural sugars, even the natural sugars spike your insulin levels and keep you playing the game longer. so first cutting all sugars and carbs from your diet is the best choice it also returns the highest rate of weight loss.
surfing the internet for any and all recipes you can eat brings a lot of healthy choices and meals that are very satisfying. I found the Moroccan Chicken recipe previously posted to be excellent and bursting with flavor.
In general snacking is ok, simply because if you let yourself go hungry you will deviate from your new restrictions. Raw almonds not only help keep you feeling sated longer but also have huge health benefits in way of the amount of potassium and magnesium they contain, in short its like draino for your veins, helps keep your veins clean and heart healthy.
Celery sticks are also great for snacking on, giving you the CRUNCH some people desire. you can eat celery sticks with almond butter, or natural no sugar added peanut butter.
Juicing is another thing I started doing once I got going on my weight loss program... not really a program other than I started caring about myself and what I was feeding my machine with. but juicing allows a person to cram a lot more vegetables into their diet thus increasing the sheer amounts of micro nutrients they are consuming.
On top of eating properly staying hydrated with water is just as crucial, as you start eating healthier foods the build up of toxins in your system will start dumping themselves out through your digestive system, also eliminating a lot of fluids from you body.
Lastly Rest, these days our world is connected 24 hours a day 7 days a week and our bodies get less and less of the quality sleep we require, getting proper rest has so many benefits that would have to be a post on its on, in short it improves your brain function, allows your body to heal itself and also allows you to take a needed break from the go go go world we enjoy so much.
Changing a diet, and increasing your activity are essentially 80% of your weight loss tasks, that alone will allow you to start feeling better and when you feel better you look better.
I have gotten a lot of my resources to accomplish my goals from reading posts from Steve Kamb on his site,, he has done a lot of research and although he is not a dietician or a doctor of any sort either, the information can be checked and double checked if you choose.
I hope this information is useful to anyone reading it and again feel free to comment, suggestions are always accepted and I would really like to hear from anyone that this might be helping achieve their goals have a great week, will post more by Thursday next week. do something, anything :)
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
I find it rather difficult to find anything new or exciting to write about lately, random updates on what I am doing each day seems rather blah and I wouldn't log on to read what this guy is doing from day to day so I am gonna start breaking down each step, and going into details on them, why I choose the paleo diet choice, why I like my Vibram fivefinger shoes etc. what I enjoy about juicing and what I have been learning as I go, hopefully it will help motivate more people to be healthy.
I am gonna start trying to post a new article every week, keep in mind I am not a big writer and its difficult for me to translate my message to written material. it is now Thursday, so by next Thursday hopefully I will have a well written post for anyone reading this, and will try to have a new post every Thursday here after.
I started with my story, and how I got to be where I am at weightwise and will expand on that and then take on each other post one at a time with some finer detail on how to painlessly lose the unwanted weight without breaking a sweat or killing your bank account :)
I am gonna start trying to post a new article every week, keep in mind I am not a big writer and its difficult for me to translate my message to written material. it is now Thursday, so by next Thursday hopefully I will have a well written post for anyone reading this, and will try to have a new post every Thursday here after.
I started with my story, and how I got to be where I am at weightwise and will expand on that and then take on each other post one at a time with some finer detail on how to painlessly lose the unwanted weight without breaking a sweat or killing your bank account :)
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
currently sitting at 247 pounds, had to get a physical done yesterday and the official weight at 2 in the afternoon was 247, so had I not been up drinking water all day, eating food etc I am sure it would have been lower, granted I made a promise not to be a slave to the number on the scale but damn that felt good to see, normally on those scales I just instinctively slide the bar over to the 250 mark to start, and to my surprise it sank and sank fast... :)
so celebrating today with a healthy breakfast of eggs scrambled with diced Canadian Bacon :) for a little frying grease I tossed in some coconut oil... delicious. Further proof that diet and mild to medium levels of exercise are all that are required to lose the unwanted weight, no pills, no gimmick devices, just healthy food and walking for the most part (the pushups, crunches etc are my own vanity firming up the resulting flab) I do know this however, Nothing Tastes as good as being healthy feels :) have a good day all
so celebrating today with a healthy breakfast of eggs scrambled with diced Canadian Bacon :) for a little frying grease I tossed in some coconut oil... delicious. Further proof that diet and mild to medium levels of exercise are all that are required to lose the unwanted weight, no pills, no gimmick devices, just healthy food and walking for the most part (the pushups, crunches etc are my own vanity firming up the resulting flab) I do know this however, Nothing Tastes as good as being healthy feels :) have a good day all
Monday, August 8, 2011
Got a wild hair...
So went out for a short walk yesterday evening... and got a wild hair to jog, keep in mind, bad knees, bad back, hip thats going south.... running is not something I have ever cared to do but hey, got my Vibram fivefinger shoes on, its cooler than mid day, and I feel froggy, well there is a short little hill behind my place, and thats the direction I was walk/jogging, so I start to pick up my pace some... felt good, then two steps later Not so much....
my knees and back are reminding me of the how and why I stopped running, and not very politely, no matter pain or no pain I can still walk... just gotta slow it down since two of my joints like to disappear on me in mid stride... and the back is still not strong enough to compensate for the inadequate balance... ya hurt myself, but hey this is how I am seeing this, I actually WANTED to run. it felt good for a second there to. ah well back to my squats, pushups, crunches, and whatever else I can find to do.
Been thinking about taking up Kayaking, figure thats gotta be low impact... barring whitewater that is. Thinking back to canoeing back home, and yes that would be a wonderful upper body workout, and just being outdoors is wonderful. Granted Outdoors in 110 degree temps is maybe not Ideal in the water totally seems desirable. well people take care stay hydrated and keep working at it, weight loss itself is about 80% diet and 20% whatever else you fit in so eat healthy, stay busy and live life, its yours to do what you will with it. those of you trying to gain weight, yes the rest of us hate you just kidding, strength training is the better choice for that instead of consuming massive amounts of calories from crappy food. for one reason, eventually through blind determination you will kick the crap out of your metabolism and be on board with those of us trying to shed some weight and be healthy. just cause your thin does not mean you are healthy.
happy day all, take care
my knees and back are reminding me of the how and why I stopped running, and not very politely, no matter pain or no pain I can still walk... just gotta slow it down since two of my joints like to disappear on me in mid stride... and the back is still not strong enough to compensate for the inadequate balance... ya hurt myself, but hey this is how I am seeing this, I actually WANTED to run. it felt good for a second there to. ah well back to my squats, pushups, crunches, and whatever else I can find to do.
Been thinking about taking up Kayaking, figure thats gotta be low impact... barring whitewater that is. Thinking back to canoeing back home, and yes that would be a wonderful upper body workout, and just being outdoors is wonderful. Granted Outdoors in 110 degree temps is maybe not Ideal in the water totally seems desirable. well people take care stay hydrated and keep working at it, weight loss itself is about 80% diet and 20% whatever else you fit in so eat healthy, stay busy and live life, its yours to do what you will with it. those of you trying to gain weight, yes the rest of us hate you just kidding, strength training is the better choice for that instead of consuming massive amounts of calories from crappy food. for one reason, eventually through blind determination you will kick the crap out of your metabolism and be on board with those of us trying to shed some weight and be healthy. just cause your thin does not mean you are healthy.
happy day all, take care
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Remember, Juicing albeit a great way to get the micro nutrients our bodies crave and desire, if you only juice fruits the natural sugars will beat you back down and slow your weight loss progress, there are plenty of sites to check out what kind of veggies to juice and what they are most likely to assist in. too many to randomly list some I am sure if your motivated you will find the site that best suits your needs and desires. keep in mind, one thing that I have learned about juicing is this, too much kale makes your healthy juice taste like you just scrubbed the bottom side of a lawnmower, sure its healthy, but you might not likely drink it after spending the time and money to create the monstrosity...
I find 1 apple, 2-3 carrots, cucumber, a slice of beetroot, celery, some pineapple, 1 tomato, and some spinach and kale is rather palatable yet healthy, not too much sugars, and enough fruit and pineapple to down the liquid, your good to go, snacking on raw almonds in between juices and meals are a great source of proteins and help you stay away from the twinkies and little debbie cakes. from there its just pure motivation, I find that the times I do eat the crappy food I suffer both mentally and physically now and usually punish myself with more juice less food the following day or more... :) its kind of like a rewarding punishment but also helps purge the chemical mess I consumed :)
have a great day/evening all, hope you are still finding motivation to improve your lives
I find 1 apple, 2-3 carrots, cucumber, a slice of beetroot, celery, some pineapple, 1 tomato, and some spinach and kale is rather palatable yet healthy, not too much sugars, and enough fruit and pineapple to down the liquid, your good to go, snacking on raw almonds in between juices and meals are a great source of proteins and help you stay away from the twinkies and little debbie cakes. from there its just pure motivation, I find that the times I do eat the crappy food I suffer both mentally and physically now and usually punish myself with more juice less food the following day or more... :) its kind of like a rewarding punishment but also helps purge the chemical mess I consumed :)
have a great day/evening all, hope you are still finding motivation to improve your lives
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Nothing in the world re hydrates like water, make sure you are drinking plenty of water, not juice, not beer, not gatorade... which is full of sugars by the way... good old fashion water. as your body detoxifies itself, you will require water to help flush the toxins, maintaining optimal hydration will ensure you keep feeling better. I know some people just can't seem to drink water, for whatever reason, forcing yourself to stay hydrated is crucial to optimal human machine function. you change the oil in your car to help it run better, well it essentially the same deal. your body is mostly water and requires you replace it and maintain proper levels :)
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Feeling good
So that weather pattern has passed, my bones are no longer pulling themselves apart, and the walk felt great, after the walk I made myself a juice and now I am just sitting here content with life. With so much stress behind me I feel wonderful. Semester is done for the summer, work is low key, and I fit all my clothes again :)
Looking into a future from the other side of this healthy kick I found myself not seeing too far ahead, now I am seeing things from this side and LIFE is AWESOME again. I certainly hope my posts here have helped someone, I have proven to myself and the world that you do not need to break a sweat everyday, risking injury or heartattack to shed some weight, but our diets have gotten so far past healthy that our food is killing us. Cutting back on sugars and wheat products has helped not only me to lose weight and feel better, but has also increased my general happiness. recapping the process, fix your diet, do something, take care of yourself, and fix the money situations.
Happy day to everyone out there, enjoy the journey, its the spice of life.
Looking into a future from the other side of this healthy kick I found myself not seeing too far ahead, now I am seeing things from this side and LIFE is AWESOME again. I certainly hope my posts here have helped someone, I have proven to myself and the world that you do not need to break a sweat everyday, risking injury or heartattack to shed some weight, but our diets have gotten so far past healthy that our food is killing us. Cutting back on sugars and wheat products has helped not only me to lose weight and feel better, but has also increased my general happiness. recapping the process, fix your diet, do something, take care of yourself, and fix the money situations.
Happy day to everyone out there, enjoy the journey, its the spice of life.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Ouch, Monsoon season
With all my talk of no more excuses, just do something, Monsoon season hit here finally and although we require the rain, I wish I didn't operate as a human barometer... taking some time to let this system pass before I get carried away again, possibly just do crunches and the like for now... I figure its best not to push myself into injury and have myself sitting out even longer, just gotta make sure I am not eating crappy foods and get back to it asap. Hope you are all having good success and are happier :)
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