Wednesday, June 29, 2011

second step to awesome.

reduce your expenses, pay off your debts, declutter your life, its easier than you think, really we do not need big screen televisions, brand new cars, or credit cards, hell we barely need banks... sure as hell don't require the debt they peddle...
Seriously if i asked you to crawl into my house begging to put you in debt would you? then why would you crawl into a bank begging for debt? their marketing is amazing. we as people crawl into their offices begging to make payments, and leave happy when they approve us.... get rid of it, trust me your life will improve. I got myself a truck shortly after returning from Iraq, was happy to have it, even tho I knew my credit wasn't great, the dealerships loan officer was more than happy to get me a loan... its been a source of stress and aggravation since. upside down on it years later all I can do is pay more per month and hope I get back on the right side of the value...hind sight is 20/20, I will never finance another thing in my life. I can show a little restraint and pay cash... may not be a brand spanking new vehicle or whatever I am purchasing but I will own it...
there are countless resources available to assist you by education, on how to eliminate your debt and stay out of debt... well worth the listen. more than worth the effort and life will almost immediately start to improve, please do not take my word for it, take the steps to prove it or debunk it yourself.
a few months back I started listening to Dave Ramsey, and his story, his lessons, his humor on how to get out of debt, stay out of debt and get ahead, no way is it an overnight fix, but it all makes perfect sense and just like stepping on the scale at 280 pounds.... I know better.
pay off debt, stay out of debt be happy and live a life to be proud of.

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