Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Inner child eyes.

Lately I have been reading more and more on life and how to experience it, simply because the more research I do on losing weight, links me further and further into a world I haven't seen since I was a young child looking at the world with awe and wonder.
As I get more and more energy I am happier, feel decades younger, and have a new found respect for life.
why would anyone spend their days as unhappy and miserable as they are and not try to change it, I found myself on a 8 year decline after my marriage failed. even major changes in my situation didn't help. simply because I was chasing the wrong rainbow i guess. Now I spend my time researching, learning, dreaming and rescheduling the priorities in my life.
Amazing to me that this started as a way to lower the number on the scale. My emotional health as well as my physical health has improved so much that I can't help but smile, giggle, laugh and enjoy my situation, even tho financially and geographically not one thing has changed, I just feel better all around.
I strongly suggest more people get on track and start doing what they want to do, the increase in energy and zest for life is almost guaranteed to make positive changes in your life.
My weight loss has slowed, I do not feel lighter than yesterday or the day before like I did when Phase 1 of the diet drops the most weight, but just by default I will be healthier just because I have more energy and desire to do more, to stop sitting on the shore watching the river run by. I want to get out there and float with it. to experience all that life and my imagination have to offer... I remember as a child how the world was there for me to conquer... by god I intend to complete that goal and if I never do... it was one hell of a fun journey. No More Excuses, No more Can't, No More short cuts, Everything worth having takes time energy and commitment I want to not only improve my life but the lives of all those I come in contact with.
Happy reading. again feel free to comment, add suggestions or take steps at improving your life and those around you.

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