Monday, June 27, 2011

Energy levels are climbing

Since I set out to lose some pounds I have seen not only an increase in how good my clothes fit, but I have seen a HUGE increase in my energy levels, I am sleeping better, and feel great. Deciding not to make excuses for myself anymore has been the best decision I have made in a long time. Sure my knees and back still ache from time to time. they are right there screaming at me to let me know I am over doing it, so all I am doing for that is scaling back my intensity and pushing on.
Even if I end up having to ice my knees or lay on the floor till the back spasms stop the increase in mental alertness and all around general happiness is so worth the effort.
I am starting to add crunches into my routine.  the skins getting a little lose and flabby and I have determined that in order to get past that I will have to add some other conditioning exercises. Advanced Parkour looks fun and amazing but baby steps. during my walk I found myself leaping up on short ledges along the route. and balancing on parking blocks. Kids seldom get fat when they play. And by God.... I WANT TO PLAY. Life is too short to let it pass you by, and as I work at it, and chronicle it here I find that it's a lot of fun just goofing around and being active.

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